Faith that Renders Change – Reboot 2.0

by | Nov 8, 2021 | Devotional

But the Lord is faithful, and HE will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one.

2 Thessalonians 3:3

For the most part, people daily living demonstrates their respective belief system. Actions speak louder than words ever could. Faith or lack thereof, is evident in the way we live and react to life and all its challenges, difficulties, or victories. Man’s faith must compel him to trust in Almighty God, who gives comfort, rest, and the strength to face adversity in whatever from it presents itself. The other barrel of the shotgun, is that HIS faithfulness will strengthen, settle, and set you on a firm foundation, and will give divine protection from the evil one! If you were to evaluate your life today, would it be evident of the Messiah’s care and love for you is immeasurable? HIS caring is so wide that it covers your health, your concerns, loved ones, your finances, and on-and on! Faith that changes things, is a belief that is greater that what the eyes can see or the rationale of the human mind. It is a faith that is so immersed in relying on, adhering too, believing in, and trusting in a living God. It bridges the dichotomy between what is seen versus what is believed.

According to the Word of God, Stephen had a faith that gave him a spiritual glimpse into the eternal and everlasting. Therefore, he was enabled to speak with confidence, with truth, and as he knew it to the point that change(s) occurred. Unfeigned faith will cause the sick to be healed, those that are spiritually lost will become introduced to “the way” of salvation and eternal peace.

Regardless of your circumstance today, despite how tired, hurt, afraid or uncertain you find yourself, develop and maintain a faith in God that change things according to the words of truth you speak, and the actions you take (in essence this is true righteousness)!

God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD

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