Men of Change
Men of Change (MOC) Inc. is a constituent of a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization that offers intensive intervention services to individuals in various settings from large seminar forums to small group interactive discussions to one-on-one coaching sessions. While large seminar-style forums are extremely informative, small group sessions have proven to be more effective because of the therapeutic environment that allows the participants to express their inner feelings, anxieties and helpful experiences with other participants. The objective is to help men transform themselves into the strong, spiritual leaders they were created to be. This is achieved by correcting many of the myths that so many men have been taught, either directly or indirectly, by absentee fathers, high-profile celebrities and criminals alike. However, after being exposed to the truth about manhood and fatherhood, it is proven that many men will recognize the error of their past and make every effort to become real man! MOC Inc. offers follow-up services to further assist those in need and to maintain a confidential statistical database. MOC Inc. is designed to reflect positive change in the lives of men, families, communities and their world(s).
MOC Inc. originated in 2008 and since its inception, more than 285 men have been supported and have shown growth in the areas of responsibility, leadership and accountability with their relationship with Christ, their respective families, Church affiliations and employment.
The purpose of Men of Change Inc. is to provide leadership, tutorial and training in a cohesive movement to help positively change the lives of all American men both young and old, regardless of their personal differences, background, ethnicity, nationality or diaspora.
Men of Change Inc.’s mission is to provide 6-12 weeks of comprehensive training to all men that are experiencing difficulty or desire to have more practical insight on transitioning into real manhood and fatherhood under the auspice of spiritual & inspirational influence. MOC Inc. provides a range of services to church groups, community organizations, civic clubs, colleges/universities, businesses and other initiatives expounding on men issues that are ripping away at the “foundational fabric” of family life as we have come to know it.
- Identify real manhood
- Coping with teen-fatherhood
- Provide a support network
- Understanding the meaning in life
- Job skills development
- Provide crisis and abuse therapy
- Integrated marriage/relationship/family therapy
- Provide insight for substance abuse and make referrals
- Provide assistance for military deployment
- Art of balance work/travel schedules
- Provide counseling for church related issues
- Provide healthy self esteem strategies
- Anger management/conflict resolution training
- Depression & anxiety resolutions
- Emotional instability
- Reveal strategies for dealing with pornography, etc.
To create a universal manhood/fatherhood movement which provides coaching/training that positively impacts men, their families, communities and their world(s).
Training – Conduct men workshops, seminars and presentation on a variety of topics. Introduce successful life skill techniques and convey the impact when men make real change!
Steering Committee
Dalton Kornegay, PhD – President
Terrence Elliott, D. Div. – Vice-President
Welton Loftin, MA Ed. – Executive Administrator
Elder Marvin Witherspoon – Ministry Presider
Minister Julius Witherspoon – Worship Leader
Deacon Solomon Jones – Financial Administrator
Deacon Ricky Newsome – Asst Financial Administrator
Elder Robert Brown – South East Regional Coordinator
Elder Curtis Marshall – South West Regional Coordinator
Bishop Arthur Kornegay, Jr – Presiding Prelate
Bishop William Mitchell – Asst Presiding Prelate
Faith VS. Fear: Dare To Believe!
by Dalton Kornegay, PhD
Fear is an emotion that we all have or will face at some point in life. Fear can be a healthy emotion check to keep you from becoming complacent. It also, can be a tool to keep you alert and sensitive to situations or conditions that could be harmful. However, prolonged episodes of fear can lead to temporary paralysis, health issues, isolation, paranoia and/or a hallucinatory mind. Therefore, it is vital to understand that fear prolonged can be unhealthy and is not the will of God. For the Word of God states, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper” (3 John 1:2). Within the pages, you will discover practical tools and steps on how to overcome fear and anxiety.
Buy a copy for yourself and to share on Amazon.
Men Magnifying Manhood: Stories That Give Hope And Empowerment
It has been stated that life is a team sport. It takes dad and mom to produce a child. Teamwork is required to operate an institution. Football and basketball games are won because of the efforts of a team. Regardless of how great individual talent is, winning requires the contributions of teammates.Through his visionary networking, Dr. Ellison has brought together a group of men passionate about contributing to the betterment of other men. Each man shares his story; the good, bad or the ugly with the intention of giving hope and empowerment to his fellowman.
Dr. Kornegay had the privilege of authoring Chapter 6: Understanding the Importance and Intricacies of Manhood in this powerful new book of manhood. Buy a copy for yourself and to share on Amazon.