The Righteous Re-Birth

by | Dec 7, 2021 | Devotional

And be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.

Philippians 3:9

During salvation or man’s re-birth experience, the Spirit of the living God that dwells within becomes active. So, you are now clothed in the righteousness (being upright & right standing with God), because that the new Spirit that dwells within will lead you to all truths and be a constant reminder of the Word. There is a newness in life that comes about to give inward peace and contentment. The Re-birth transformation also renders victory in life despite the odds that may be presented.

Even when others try to surround you, and make all manner of comments, untruths, and judgements, God is always by your side and will keep you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when you feel like you are in a season of reproving, and correction HE is still there. His mercies are new every morning and His desire is for there to be a renewing of the mind that disciples will be able to stand the test of time.

Therefore, joy, happiness, self love, self awareness, self acceptance, and self worth in life must come from God and not others. Once we become secure in God’s love it will transcend into us generating a renewed self confidence!

Jehovah Ropha sees every struggle and flaw in your life, yet HIS un-feigned love remains constant. So, the confidence of man should not be based upon his or her own abilities but based upon God’s omnipotence.

The Ruler of all creation write Your word upon my heart, keep truth forever before me, and allow me to forever walk in the Re-birth of Your righteousness. Amen.

God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD

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