He Will Comfort Day & Nite

by | Jan 6, 2018 | Devotional

The Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me. A prayer to the God of my life. ~Psalm 42:8


Prayer is one of the key ingredients that change a man’s life, every day that he lives. God is not one who abandons His own. God knows and He cares, and for that simple reason, He is swift to meet you right at your point of need and will not delay. God’s divine ability to be omniscient and omnipresent allows Him to always be available to everyone of your cares and concerns. Prayer is through in by man’s freewill, just as true “salvation” which is – total redemption from sin. However, it serves as a tool to call out and seek God’s guidance concerning issues from great to small. Moreover, the word of God requires us to hope in Him, and wait expectantly for Him. There is no timer or clock on God, He is not microwavable, and He cannot be manipulated or govern by man’s impatience.  Believers must reach a full maturity in God and develop a sense of assuredness, knowing that He will comfort & be with you both nite and day!!!  When it comes to God faithfulness toward man, who dares to believe in Him, there is no breach of covenant!

My simple prayer today is that we all come to know, and experience the true is“ness” of God. Furthermore to know that God is a comforter to the believer, day and nite as well as the comforter to those who are willing to comfort others.

God we come eager to commune with You our creator. Thank you for the life privilege of knowing You. Amen.

God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD

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