What are Dreams?
The aged question is, are dreams psychological or physiological? According to Webster’s dictionary, a dream is a series of thought images that occur during the rapid eye movement or R.E.M. State of sleep (deepest stage of sleep).
Technically there’s no definite answer, but one of the best physiological theories in summation is that dreams result from random electrical brain impulses that pull past experiences visually as well as auditorical from the memory bank, and this process normally takes over where the active (awake) brain stops.
But then there’s one of the most prominent psychological theories that comes from Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams.” He theorizes that our mind buries emotions that aren’t conscious to us, but when we dream, our mind releases those unconscious emotions.
Freud also believed many of our dreams are ways in which we act out our suppressed desires. (Such as: fantasies & escapades with other individuals be if ‘famous and/or infamous’)
Research Experts explanation of: The Sleep Cycle
One-thing experts do agree on is the majority of dreams occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle of sleep, which occurs at 60-90 minute intervals throughout the night.
There are five stages of the sleep cycle we go through while we rest. After the fourth stage of this cycle, which is the deepest sleep stage, REM begins.
This fifth stage of the sleep cycle is a very active stage in which the heartbeat is elevated, breathing increase and rises. “The easiest way to tell if someone is in REM sleep is to check for eye movement”.
REM sleep is thought to be very important, so much so that numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether or not a lack of it actually affects mental abilities such as memory, concentration and learning.
Remembering Dreams
It is extremely important to start analyzing and deciphering your dream the moment your conscious state in reactivated. It is been noted through many observations that the longer any individual waits the more difficult it is to remember certain parts, which could be very vital in solving your mystery!
How long does it take for you to forget your dream?
The time to forget a particular dream varies from individual to individual, but one thing that is commonly linked between most dreams is the more traumatic, the longer the recollection.
Remembering dreams is the key to interpreting them.
It is highly recommended to stay in bed an extra five minutes or so and try to re-capture what was going on in your dream in full as much as possible, once your dream is firmly planted in your conscious memory, you’ll be able to use the various details for interpreting and putting things together.
Interpreting Your Dreams
Most dreams are very unique to each individual personal life. However there are some dreams that are common to all. These common dreams can possibly be linked to the fact they we all experience the same life events in some form or another at some point in time in our human existence.
If you’ve ever dreamt one of the following dreams, you’re not alone. Here are what some dream decoders say these common dreams could possibly mean:
Being Chased –
For some, this can be a harmless dream, but for others, it’s more of a nightmare. Often, you’re being chased by someone who never catches up to you.
What could this mean? Being chased usually represents a problem you’re running away from, and the person chasing you is symbolic of where that problem comes from.
Naked in Public –
Almost all of us have experienced this dream of being naked while in public, usually at work or at school.
Going naked in public is said to mean you’re trying hide something (ironic or right), or that you’re not well-prepared for something, and people will possibly know it.
Flying –
You’re soaring in the sky, sometimes with or without wings. Dream decoders believe this dream means you feel in control of your life or have recently gained a new perspective on life.
However, if you feel afraid while you’re flying, this may signal you’re hesitant to face current problems or challenges in your life.
Losing Teeth –
If your tooth is loose or all of your teeth have fallen out, you may be having issues with your personal appearance.
You might be embarrassed about something, which could be preventing you from successfully communicating with someone (teeth are a symbol of power and communication).
So is Freud on to something when talking about interpreting your dreams? He very possibly could be!
The irrefutable fact still remains that dreams are a part of our sleep cycle, whether or not the meaning of a particular dream can be linked to something that’s going on in your lives. Moreover, it is almost impossible to deny that dreams can be powerful, intense, and can impact the dawning of a brand new day.
Proper Sleep –
Believe it or not getting a good night’s sleep affects every facet of your day, including your mood as well and your ability to be productive. It is also believed by some research studies that not receiving your proper rest or sleep can cause weight gain! So, as you go about your way in this new year know that your dreams are very important, should be valued in order to analyze those things that God is revealing subliminally during “Rest & Peace”!!!
God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD