Then Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”
John 11:21
There will be a time in every man and woman life when it will seem that Heaven is silent; we may even choose to cry out in desperation provoking God for response. According to the word He expects all of us, to have tolerance and a level of patience. Just when it seems hopeless, there emerges and answer. Be it in a small still voice, through revelation in His word, a dream, or at the expense of another individual. God always substantiates that He heard your petition when it was first made.
Understand that His response is not delayed so much, but seasonal. We must understand that God operates in eternity and brings His will and/or manifestation into time. For He knows what is best, He knows when, where, and how. But more importantly we must never loose focus of the WHO! I am sure that Mary and Martha were outraged when Jesus was sent for after Lazarus had died, and yet He tarried for an extended period before showing up. But unparalleled, they received a miracle that exceeded their expectation, as well as a revelation in Resurrection.
Jehovah never ignores the true believer, even when it may appear that Heaven is silent. We must develop unfeigned-faith and trust him even the more to do just what the Word has indicated.
When patience has been fully developed God will bless abundantly! Amen.
God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD