Great is Thy Faithfulness

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)

Without storms, tests, trials, and adversity would we ever experience true deliverance and witness God’s majesty? He is present in our joys, as well as in our sorrows. There are times during life crisis and extreme circumstances that we often question the reason why? But the amazing thing about storms they can bring growth, promote re-focusing, and sometimes serve as an instrument of instruction. The mind of God is so vast, yet he knows exactly what we need, when and how we need it, in order that He maybe Glorified.

In hindsight, we can always see that during a storm, Christ was manifesting patience and perseverance in us. The only true way out of any situation is to go through it. Not over it, not under it, and definitely not around it, but simply press forward until you reach the other side. This pressing is not so much a physical move, but a spiritual move – in your mind there must always be a knowing that God has made a way of escape and you must find it. Also during a storm there is continual unveiling of God’s purpose for your life. He makes ever so clear during trying times what it is that He need for each individual to do. Moreover there is no need for doubt or to fear, when problems are revealed, we must always know that He is there, and His Mercy & Grace is sufficient. His strength is made manifest (perfectly) in our weakness. When the storm of life is raging and the heat is turned up, Christ will be a thermostat, to monitor you from being consumed.

My ultimate desire is for the Lord of Host to allow the believer eyes to be open to what He is doing in the lives of the believer even in the midst of a storm. May He grant peace, joy, and heart to love more! When our commitment is dedicated to Christ, great is thy faithfulness toward man!

God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD

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