Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Genuine love is originated from God. We as true believers do not have the human capacity to show a parallel level of compassion, love, and mercy of God to the world, unless we receive it from Him. This is kind of agape “unconditional and inspite of love” will reach out to the lost, feed and clothe the poor, and understand and show compassion, to those who are hurting physically and emotionally. So, during this Christmas and holiday season please attempt to be very mindful and attempt to emulate that kind of love that Jesus Christ gave to all humanity, on Calvary’s Cross by laying down His life so that all mankind sins would be forgiven and eternal life could be received.
The world as we know it today is existing in a very critical time. These criticalities ranging from personal and family crises to natural crises. God’s people are constantly being bombarded with concerns/cares for their spouses, children, relatives, the effects of the war in Iraq, hurricanes, floods, vast fires, and other catastrophic devastations. But during these perilous times we must anchor down and place our unfeigned (cemented-harden) faith in the only living God that can save, and He is (Jehovah- who remains all faithful & absolute in faithfulness toward all mankind that dare to believe).
During this Christmas season, please remember that it is not all about the gift giving and presents, but there are so many individuals who are lonely and feel ostracized from society, all because of a lack of love and understanding; through Christ. We that are disciples of Christ have the ability to make a difference. We are Christ’s ambassadors, and must ring out the great Clarion Call, “that Jesus’ hands are extended towards the hurting, outcasts, sick, and oppressed of the world”. When love, is merely talked about it fades quickly and easily. However, when love is demonstrated it makes an everlasting impression.
My simple Prayer
Fill our hearts Lord, with your love and compassion. Help us to do more than speak about love, but allow Your love to permeate & generate an overflow in our lives so much, that it touches others. Amen.
God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD