God is Greater!
Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10)
By faith and through His saving grace, God is greater than any situation or circumstance that you may face. The wiles of the enemy are his tactics, ploys, schemes, and strategies to move you from your place in YAH. But standing in the righteousness of Christ gives you the ultimate victory. It is for certain that there will be times when you feel the need to seek revenge or take matters into our own hands, but walk in the living truth of His word, execute His mandate to be a peacemaker, even in the midst of hatred, betrayal, and ill-will. Always be mindful that the Holy Spirit will counsel you giving you all the wisdom and strength you need to stand in adversity with the enemy.
Jehovah’s everlasting truth cuts through the deepest and darkest of situations. There is no greater authority or any one individual stronger than He Who was, He Who is, and He Who is to come. When the enemy attacks you with his all, fear not and simply run to the only source of salvation, Jesus Christ. Christ’s love for those that dare to believe is unfailing. He will always grant deliverance through his matchless power, and He will reveal every scheme and tactic of the enemy to be rendered useless to those that dare to believe.
My hope for all true believers today, is that Jesus Christ of Nazareth cut through the despair of hopelessness & fear. Allow the light of your glory to shine through providing direction to a new day.
Lord may you touch the mouth of all of your saints afresh, from the coals of your altar. May we forever stand in righteousness and continue to bless your Holy-Holy Name (Amen).
God Bless – A Note From The Counselor’s Corner,
Dalton Kornegay, PhD